Get to Know Us
We are a community committed to a respectful environment. Our mission is to stimulate social interaction, offer programs and activities and provide a community for people as they age. We are a non-profit and non-denominational registered society.
Our Logo: What's the dragonfly about?
In almost every part of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The change that is often referred to has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life.
Our Story
The original vision for a seniors' centre in the southwest area of Edmonton from the staff of St. Agnes Parish. The main instigator was Joanne Way, Pastoral Assistant. She recognized a need for a place of renewal for the aged in our community and a need for assistance to the caregivers to the aged.
Joanne Way called a group of people together at Providence Centre on November 28, 1985. The following attended that first meeting; Father Jospeh Leszcynski, Sister Leona Lavigne, Sabrina Zutter, George Flynn, Emile Michon and Joanne Way.
A Planning Committee was formed to establish the need for the project and to investigate the possibility of fulfilling those needs through existing parish and community resources.
An Advisory Board, which included a core of Planning Committee members, was appointed. Board members were chosen because of their expertise in dealing with special needs of seniors and their knowledge of community resources.
The duties of the Advisory Board included:
helping formulate the philosophy and goals of the centre;
interviewing and selecting suitable applicants for the positions of coordinator, facilitator and nutritionist;
helping with planning;
acting as community resources people;
establishing banking facilities; and
having insurance in place before the project became independent of church sponsorship.
And the rest, they say, is history! We are grateful to these visionaries.